Unlock explosive shots with this simple training routine.
Precision Impact literally forces the ideal club head position at impact. It will also accelerate the learning process for the entire swing….
✓ Proper wrist set (audible feedback)
✓ Forces you to create Lag
✓ Eliminates Scooping or Flipping hands
✓ Works for every swing
Whether hitting driver, pitching, or chipping the club head has to lag behind the hands – creating crisp, flawless contact with the ball. Precision Impact forces that same perfect hand position for every type of shot, for every shot in your bag.
Whether hitting driver, pitching, or chipping the club head has to lag behind the hands – creating crisp, flawless contact with the ball. Pure Swing Products™ by Precision Impact forces that same perfect hand position for every type of shot, for every shot in your bag including putting
★★★★★ Straighter, longer and more consistent swing
verified buyer N. Richardson
First of all, I should preface with, I’m a mid-90s golfer, and can use some help. Found this product a little while back and decided to give it a try. I’ve had it for just under two weeks and have already noticed a big difference. The instruction video was clear and the product is very easy to put on and quite comfortable. I have been going to the range and while I hit them pretty well normally, my intermittent slice is pretty much gone and when I hit the ball fat, I am still able to get good distance and keep the ball on line. Pretty remarkable for five driving range visits. Distance seems to be a little further than normal as well. I’m no pro, but this this device is going to certainly help my game.
★★★★★ This Makes The Difference.
verified buyer M. Boos
Yes, 20 yard improvement on an 8 iron with just perfect flush contact.
This device sets my right wrist properly and gets me to snap it through release.
★★★★★ Finally, something that works. The results are INCREDIBLE.
verified buyer J. Trumor
Probably one of the best and only Truly real golf training aids that work. Our students have benefited incredibly just a few days of using trying this out.
Ball striking and angle of attack have been nearly perfect by 7 out of 10 of our struggling students. All of us at golf camp are quite surprised.
★★★★★ Great Product
verified buyer Daniel
I was a little skeptical about this trainer, but I was blown away! Took it to the range today, and loved the instant feed back I got from the device. I was able to hit longer straighter shots. It will take some time training with it, but this will definitely help my game this year! My girlfriend loved it too! Watch out pga tour here we come!
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